Quantum Healing & Higher Frequencies masterclass


Join Kristina & Kara for “Quantum Healing & Tapping Into Higher Frequencies” masterclass. Experience deep quantum healing to clear & let go of lower emotion vibrations that still may be part of your energy field and also be guided into reconnecting with the higher frequencies so that you can start attracting more of love & light into your life.

However remember, there is no time or space limiting in the quantum field and whenever you tune into the frequency of this activation – you energetically connect with the group.

This event was held on 12/12/2020 with a powerful intention to clear and release what does not serve us any longer and tap into the highest frequencies and an energetical match to our desires.

You’ll receive:
1) Training
2) Guided healing
3) Recorded Q&A


What participants are experiencing in our events


Shifting Into 5D event really helped me to realise the things I need to pay attention to and be more conscious about as well as what I need to let go of.

Really felt as every chakra has been cleansed during channelled immersion <3

Really loved this experience! Thank you, Kristina🤗


Quantum healing meditation with Kristina and Kara opened up for me new horizons of meditation, next level for me.
I was “wow!” surprised how easy and actually fast I could go into meditation.

I also was able to tap into the energies of two other participants saw beautiful green and purple lights. It was the first time of experiencing something like this - tapping into the source and energies of other people. 

After meditation, I created my first cosmic codes drawing encoding mantra in it “You are safe. You are loved. You are free. You are safe to heal”, I also started to tap into Arcturian cosmic energies recently.

Thank you, Kristina and Kara, this Quantum healing session was a big shift in my healing journey! Much love!


I decided to join the 5D event because I wanted more of an insight on what is happening with this shift of energy and it all made sense in the event:)

The information was good and the end was incredible doing the chakra healing and the channelled meditation I felt a HUGE shift in my energy😊

I would recommend to anyone who is unsure on what 5D is and anyone who wants a powerful channeled breathwork meditation 🙏💙😇


Working with Kara and Kristina for their Quantum Healing Masterclass was such an amazing and special opportunity. The guided meditation was very powerful. I was able to identify a lot of energy blocks throughout my body. It brought up resistance that I have been facing in my life in ways that I wouldn't have expected them to show up and then helped me to release those blocks.

I felt more connected to myself, more open and vulnerable and in return more connected to the wonderful group of souls that were taking part in the class as well.

This was truly a gift & amazing way to reset and welcome in new energies & connections 💫


I'm still blown away by the quantum healing masterclass that I did with Kara and Kristina. It was so releasing, magical and so powerful!
I was able to uncover blocks that were holding me back from stepping into my highest and most fulfilled version of myself.
When the meditation was over I had the most amazing feeling EVER! I could feel all of my dreams right there with me and that everything I desire was also already there and I had shivers throughout my body because that is how powerful and magical it was!!

This quantum healing masterclass was so powerful and magical!! Thank you so much Kara and Kristina!!

Ready to connect with your next version of self?

Grab one (or more 🙂 ) of our masterclasses to expand your consciousness & raise your vibration!✨

Join Kristina & Kara for "Quantum Healing & Tapping Into Higher Frequencies" masterclass. Experience deep quantum healing to clear & let go of lower emotion vibrations that still may be part of your energy field and also be guided into reconnecting with the higher frequencies so that you can start attracting more of love & light into your life.

However remember, there is no time or space limiting in the quantum field and whenever you tune into the frequency of this activation - you energetically connect with the group.

See you there.
With love,


Kara Michelle is a Mindset Coach & Quantum Healer who helps people break free from their past and limitations in order to live the lives of their dreams. She spent the last 9 years traveling the world and working with different Coaches and Healers to learn how to naturally heal from grief, sexual assault, PTSD and major insecurities. Now she helps others do the same!
Kristina Day is a spiritual thought leader, frequency activator and is supporting people on their spiritual awakening to raise their consciousness, undo past limiting programming so that they can remember their own divinity. Kristina has travelled all around the world, worked with some of the world's best coaches, which allowed her to become aware of the power we all possess, so now she focuses on bringing this back to other people.
NOTE: The masterclass is hosted (and payment processed) by Gumroad, you should receive an email with instant access to the masterclass after successful payment, if you don't receive it within 1h, please email support@spirituallyselfish.com


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