Activating Abundance course by Regan & JuanPa

52 day online course:
Activating Abundance course is an online opportunity to be guided by Regan & JuanPa themselves through their incredible “Activating Abundance” book.
The Activating Abundance book by Regan Hillyer & JuanPa Barahona is a series of 52 secret codes that have the power to create massive shifts in 9 key areas of your life.

The 52-day online course is a series of videos where Regan and Juan Pa guide you through the process of activating these codes step by step so you get to EXPERIENCE the journey instead of implementing the codes by yourself.

Course inclusions:
52 videos sent directly to you via email or the app
✨TWO laser coaching sessions with Support Coach
✨Membership to the thriving Facebook community

The 52 codes, which also are represented by beautifully designed geometric patterns laid out in the book and also in a separate card deck, work in conjunction with what Regan and JuanPa call ‘the limiters’ which basically help you unblock negative and limiting patterns of behavior you aren’t consciously aware of.

By releasing these blocks and rewiring your thought patterns, you allow for abundance to flow into all areas of your life you choose.

Or enjoy this FREE training on
How to Unlock Limitless Abundance In Your Life Right Now.

Activating Abundance Training by Regan Hillyer JuanPa Barahona