Soul Remembrance Course by Regan & JuanPa

14 week online course:

Manifest Abundance & Embody Your Highest Self Fully.

This online Soul Remembrance course by Regan Hillyer & JuanPa Barahona is designed to help your soul remember what it already knows to accelerate results in your life.

Some of the topics covered in the course:
✨The Remembrance Formula
✨The Power of Your Unconscious Mind
✨The Language of The Soul
✨Rewiring Your Mind-Body System
✨DNA Soul Level Activation
✨Connecting With Your Oversoul Connection
✨Igniting Your Intuition
✨Increasing Your Capacity to Receive through Surrender
✨Time Manipulation
✨Using Sexual Energy for Manifestation

And so muuuuch more!
Please head over to Regan’s & JuanPa’s website below for all the details.

Or enjoy this 2-hour FREE online event on how to embrace your intuition & align with your true calling.

Uncover the power of your unconscious mind, understand the 7 languages of being, so that you can live the life you were born to!

Soul Remembrance by Regan Hillyer JuanPa Barahona FREE Training