How To Find Self-Worth

Let’s define self-worth…

What self-worth even is?
How to feel worthy right now in this moment?

This is what I asked my student on one of the group coaching call – and all of them answered – to feel that you have done enough…

Well, then the question is: “How much is enough?”

No one of them was able to answer this question, so essentially the definition for “self-worth” also flopped, because if we can’t define “how much is enough” how can we even achieve it in order to feel worthy?

In this blog (and the video) I’ll give you 1 SIMPLE ACTION you have to take in order to shift your level of self-worth in an instant👇

Even though our daily actions are directly connected with our self-worth and how we feel about ourselves (let’s be real – for the majority of the people level of their self-worth is not skyrocketing) – most people do not put in the energy or time to improve their self-worth as they are putting in the time to sharpen their other skills (but obviously not you, because you’re reading this blog 🙂).

What Is Self-Worth

As described in the beginning of this blog post – when it comes to defining “self-worth” most people get confused and are not able to give a clear answer (even though they demand from themselves to be a certain way so that they can fit into this “box” of self-worth).

We have created an invisible bar of what we have to do: to be a specific way, to do something to “earn” approval before we can feel worthy.

Remember this:

Your action (or inaction), as well as approval
(or disapproval) of the external world,
doesn’t define your worth.

It’s all matter of your perception of what worth is..i
If you really want to go the way of defining your own, to put a number on it – then it would be indefinite, because this is what your real worth & potential is worth.
I suggest watching the video for simple but straight to the point example👆

Choose To Feel Worthy Now

We feel we are not worthy or not deserving to have our dreams, love from others because we haven’t achieved our goals yet.

The thing is – even after you achieve your goals it still feels not enough (sounds familiar?).


Because we have our goals on the next goals and again we feel that we don’t deserve to be loved because we haven’t achieved our goals yet.

In reality it’s not the things we do, it’s not what we create – it’s our attitude toward ourselves that determines if we are worthy or not.

It’s a pattern of the way your mind is used to think about you and what you do.
It’s a program installed in your subconscious mind that tells you: “It’s not enough. You’re not enough. Do more. Be more. Look for approval.”

So no matter what you do, what you create – you literally could fly to the moon and back, but because this program is running in the backend of your mind it will be playing there as an old broken record: “You’re not enough. You have to grow more” etc.

Do you start to understand what really is going on with the desire of “How To Find Self Worth?”

You can’t find self-worth, because it never has been hidden from you – you just have been focused on the illusion that you lack self-worth.

All you have to do is to make a decision to stop focusing on those lies and start focusing on the feeling of your worth and why your desires matter.

How To Find Self-Worth

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You Are Worthy Because You Exist

When I heard the statement above from a coach for the first time ever…
I thought: “What a bunch of BS”.

There’s nothing worthy about me because I don’t bring value or serve the world to a level I want to. (and that was very messed up thinking).

The thing is – humans are so powerful beings that we can impact other beings without us doing “anything” consciously.
Please watch this piece of the video to understand how you can impact other people without you even realizing it.

Decide that you are worthy right now just the way you are.
You are worthy because you exist! PERIOD.

You deserve to have your dreams to come true (as anyone else in this world) because you are a human being that has its own dreams, ideas, desires.

Yes, you might not have achieved everything you wanted (and let’s be real you’ll never achieve it AAAALL) and you might not know how to do everything that you need to do – but you have everything inside of you right now to figure it out.
I suggest you read paragraph #1 of Acceptance in the “How To Stop reacting and Start Acting” to understand why you need to bring acceptance first to move forward.

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Choose what you need the most right now to elevate your life.

Everything Is Figureoutable

You have your body, mind and souls to guide you through the process, to research, to find information and find help from other people – you literally can figure it all out!

How do you think rockets were invented?
Someone made a decision that they just will do it and PERIOD.
If someone can make such a decision (generations ago), then you’ll be able to find the tools & information to figure out how to attract your desires into your life as well.

But for that, you have to stop focusing on your not-enoughness, because how can you create and fully pour into an idea, if you’re “empty”?
Not saying that you are empty, but you might be acting as you’re like empty.

The question I’m going to live you with today: How I’m going to show up for myself?👇
Will I tell myself: ” I don’t know this, don’t know how to do. I’m afraid…” or “I don’t know this, but – I will freaking do this. I will figure out!”

Scrolled till the bottom without reading?
Watch the video to quickly learn how to find self-worth 🙂

How do you feel about yourself?
Do you feel you’re showing up as unapologetic you?

If you would like to fully accept yourself, step into your self-worth and be who you truly are – you’re welcome to join other students in True Identity Incubator.

Kristina Day About Me

Hey, Kristina here!

The intention behind Spiritually Selfish is to empower people to focus on themselves, so they can heal, release past conditioning and raise their level of consciousness, so we all can live in a better world.

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Kristina Day


Guiding you on your spiritual & ascension journey so you can release past limited conditioning, raise your vibration and be a conscious creator.
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