Why You Should Raise Your Vibration. Map Of Consciousness.

If you’re on this page and you’re looking for the ways on how to raise your vibration – I am sure you already know that we, humans, are not just piece of flesh walking around, we are not just our physical bodies.

We are energetical beings that are vibrating at different frequencies.

Our physical body is just a physical manifestation of what is really going on, on the energy level in vibration reality (while we are living in 3D, physical reality 🙂 ).

This is why if you truly want to change your life and be a conscious creator at your own life – you have to become aware of your predominant energetical frequency and raise your vibration to attract, call into your life that which you desire.

Our emotions are not just random, insignificant feelings – it’s a language.
Language of energy and it’s constantly communicating with us (through feelings that we feel).
Most of the human beings, however, do not understand anymore how to interpret it.

Your emotions & feelings are just an indicator, a sign, if you will, of what is being called into your life, hence you might not even realize that sometimes you attract into your life that which you’re actually fearing.

To make it simpler and visual, let’s look at the Map of Consciousness, put together by Dr. David Hawkins. I’ve got introduced to it in his book “Letting Go” HIGHLY recommend to read it, it changed my perception and level of consciousness on so many levels.

Map Of Consciousness

There are 7 main stages of consciousness (indicated by the colour).
Based on the emotion you’re experiencing by looking at the map of consciousness you can identify your current level of consciousness and make the connection between your actions, behaviour and what is being attracted and manifested into your daily life.

Remember, we are human beings, so it’s normal to go through the spectrum of emotions and feel all of these, but there will be 1-2 emotions that will be your predominant energetical vibration.

You’ll also notice the arrows on the left-hand side Up & Down, saying “Power & Force”, essentially this shows us that those lower emotion vibrations are coming from forcing something (anger is a good example), where higher vibrational frequencies are actually the real power.
If you would like to dive deeper into this, please check the book “Power vs. Force” again by Dr. David Hawkins.

You Attract What You  Put Out

I’m sure it’s not a surprise for you when I will say that most of the humans predominantly, operate either from the red or orange zone emotions, which you can call “Victim mentality”.

Usually, it shows up as blaming, feeling like you have no control over your life, aggression, or avoidance & withdrawal.

Obviously, this is not the best place to be, because these emotions are not just heavy (feels heavy in our bodies), but also the strength of these emotions are very low frequency (hence the word, low vibration emotions).

One who’s experiencing these type of emotions might be stuck there for quite a while, sometimes for the majority of their life, because when we operate in a specific frequency – this is what we put in the energetical field of the Universe, into Quantum and through the Law Of Attraction (LOA) similar experiences, (that will cause us to feel the same way) are being pulled into our physical existence.

Why You Should Raise Your Vibration

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I also have recorded a video on Manifestation Fundamentals, if you would like to understand better how LOA and manifestation really works.

Only when you change your energetical vibration, you will be able to see changes in your life and for that, we need awareness and desire to change.

By reading this post – you are already raising your awareness the next step is making the decision and raising your vibration into “desire” or “courage” or anything that is above your current state. ✨

 Again, please watch the video where I explain in-depth how this shift happens. 

Raise Your Vibration One Step At The Time

As said before – you, all of us are human beings.
You’re able to go through this spectrum of emotions, there are no good or bad emotions, but you have to be aware that you can’t be sitting in lower frequencies all the time (I’m sure you don’t want it either).

That being said, when you want to raise your vibration – know that you can’t jump from apathy straight into love.
Just think about it, could you really do that?
Especially if you’ve been predominantly on the lower end longterm – it’s nearly impossible.

Important to remember here that this is SO NORMAL, don’t feel bad or shame yourself, for not being able to jump straight into higher energy frequencies – raising your vibration means raising it, that’s it.
Even if it means for one stage higher- it’s already progress.

Every time you raise your vibration (even for one level higher) you start to attract better and better things into your life. 

The more you do it, the easier it becomes to maintain happiness and other high vibrational emotions, because through LOA more experiences with similar vibration are being pulled into your life🥳

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Awareness Is The First Step

Now, when you know that Map Of Consciousness is actually a thing, and you can measure the emotions you’re going through – I want you to think about all of those times that you have experienced anger, shame, guilt, any other lower emotion vibrations…

Did you have had a chance to express them in a truly authentic and conscious way?

Most people haven’t had such a change or don’t know what these emotions mean and what’s the real root behind them (that’s why I love the book “Letting Go” so much, Dr. Hawkins literally goes over every single of the emotions and bring awareness to why it is there and what it causes in our life).

If you can recall at least one experience in your life when you suppressed yourself – how do you think where that emotion went?

It didn’t go anywhere…as crazy as it may sound – it was SUPPRESSED (not released), it’s still stored in either your physical, mental or emotional body, being part of your energetical makeup and continuing to manifest and attract similar experiences into your life.
Even if you’re not consciously living in the lower emotional state you still might be operating in this frequency and until you let it go fully and completely – you won’t be able to fully raise your vibration into higher states of consciousness.

Now with your awareness – you can observe your emotions (current or past) and make the connection of those emotions and what is current in your daily life – it reflects EXACTLY what is going on an energetical level, which we’re not able to see with our physical eyes,

Again, no guilt or shame – we are only bringing awareness here and observing that which is so that later we can change this and release this.

Raise Your Vibration Consciously

I know, it might feel like we’ve covered a lot in this video/article, but trust me – it’s quite simple to raise your vibration, again – when you have the awareness first 🙂

In fact, there are ONLY 2 WAYS to raise your vibration and I have recorded a video on that as well. So please make sure you watch it here. 👈
I cover how to raise the vibration of your physical, mental and emotional body and give you some practical action steps that you can do right now!

P.s. I still suggest you watch the video above where I walk you through the Map Of Consciousness – so many golden nuggets there and high vibrational energy 🙂

I hope you enjoyed this content and now have more awareness and compassion toward your emotions. I would love to hear your takeaways!

For me, it’s was definitely an eye opener that we store emotions in our bodies and how that reflects in our physical reality.

Let me know in the comments here or on Youtube. 😊

Kristina Day About Me

Hey, Kristina here!

The intention behind Spiritually Selfish is to empower people to focus on themselves, so they can heal, release past conditioning and raise their level of consciousness, so we all can live in a better world.

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Kristina Day


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