Why You’re Afraid To Be Yourself On Social Media

Think when you were just starting in an online world or maybe you’re about to get into it.
You want to start your own Youtube channel, blogging or just show up online in any other way to share your knowledge and message with other people.

This is amazing and a beautiful intention.
The world needs more leaders, new ideas, new perspectives in order to elevate.

And you know this, but you feel TERRIFIED from the thought alone that you have to show up online, not only you worry about other people opinions, but you also feel like a “fraud”, “who’s going to listen to me”, “I look & sound terrible on the video”… and instead of moving forward and jumping into your desires you say: “Oh well this is just not who I am!” and you give up on this idea at all.

Been there?

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Afraid To Be Yourself On Social Media T3

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If you feel the main reason why you’re afraid to show up online is the fear of other people opinion then this blog post will be very helpful to you.

However, if you’re experiencing a lot of self-criticism and feel fear specifically around social media – today we’re going to break down some basic reasons why you (and most humans) feel so uncomfortable to fully let go of your wall and be yourself on social media.

And most importantly a quick exercise to help you shift your mindset!

 But first, tell me if you can relate…

You record yourself on a video (or worse somebody else recorded you) – you watch the video and you instantly CRINGE.

Your voice sounds like a nasty parrot, you look kinda weird and you just don’t know why you are so terrible on the video?


Does this sound familiar?
I have a feeling it does!

The thing is this is not just you – there’s actually a scientific reason for that.
So here are 3 reasons why it’s more challenging to show up online as yourself:

#1 Cognitive Dissonance


Cognitive dissonance is a term for when we are observing something that is not in alignment with our belief system. You might think what it has to do with you showing up as yourself?

When you start recording yourself and try to show up online – it does create this cognitive dissonance for you – because your whole life you have been looking in the mirror, thinking that’s how you look…

I hate to break this for you..but your mirror has lied!

You’re the only person who sees you the way you see yourself in the reflection.
So when you look at your recording – you actually see how the rest of the world sees you!

Pretty crazy, right??

Same with the voice – we hear ourselves with much lower voice (because the sound is going through the head and our ears) vs. what we actually sound like.

We don’t notice those things offline because we don’t see ourselves from the side.
But I want you to know – there’s nothing wrong with you & your videos!!!

 Okay, ready for #2?!

#2 Different Identity

Yes, exactly – we all have created a specific identity that we hold onto and our mind believes that this is who we are.

So when you start showing up online for the first time, your mind is freaking out, because it doesn’t know what to do, there’s no previous experience and it goes against the identity you have been living your whole life! 

The good news are – you can change your identity, but even better reconnect with who you truly are
aka your inner being!

Of course, it will take a bit of work to reprogram your mind with powerful beliefs, but before you think about that – you need to let go of the past lies to pour into your new identity.

This is the exact reason I focus so much on the fears, self-acceptance, self-betrayal etc. in the True Identity program!
I would definitely suggest you check out True Identity Incubator if this is something that resonates with you.

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#3 Imagine The Worst-Case Scenario

Imagine your biggest fear of what will happen if you start being yourself and showing up online? Doing what you feel like doing and following that internal nudge that is calling you..

Imagine people disagreeing with you😬
Imagine you posting your videos😬
Imagine yourself forgetting what to say in the middle of a LIVE😬

What’s the worst-case scenario???

Live it, feel those experiences, stay with it.
When you do that – then you realize that it’s not the end of the world and that actually you create more suffering for yourself by avoiding and living in the fear all the time which is more painful than facing it once!

👉And after that TAKE ACTION.

Exactly, just do it – take messy action – allow yourself to be yourself, to make mistakes, to experiment and learn – you are a human being – you can’t know everything from the bat.

So go out there – create what you want, be yourself on social media, share it with the world and keep going even when it might feel uncomfortable – it will go away, I promise.

Share in the comments what is that you want to create online?
What’s the message you want to share?

You absolutely got this, I know this!

Kristina Day About Me

Hey, Kristina here!

The intention behind Spiritually Selfish is to empower people to focus on themselves, so they can heal, release past conditioning and raise their level of consciousness, so we all can live in a better world.

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Kristina Day About Me

Kristina Day


Guiding you on your spiritual & ascension journey so you can release past limited conditioning, raise your vibration and be a conscious creator.
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