How To Stop Worrying About Other People Opinions

“Other people opinions” – seems such a tiny thing, but has such a huge impact on our lives.

Consciously or not for the majority of people “opinion of other people” is what determines how we behave, what we do, how we look and numerous other aspects of our lives.

It’s time for our world to WAKE UP, let this go and become conscious creators of our own life.

If you landed on our website – I know you’re looking for support on how to stop worrying about others and focus on yourself.
I also know that it sounds simple, but when it comes to the real deal – it’s quite challenging to step away from the identity of your “LIMITED SELF” that you have been holding onto most of your life and suddenly step into your true self.

Quickly, think to yourself: “Which of my actions are based on the worry of what others think?”

Just observe what comes up – no judgement.
When you have the awareness this is when you can start changing.

But before that – let’s look into Why opinions of others even matter to us👇

Why We Worry About Opinions

There are many reasons why we worry about other people opinions about us, but when broken down they usually stem from a similar root – the survival mechanism and fall in one of these categories:

  • Wanting to be seen
  • Heard
  • Understood
  • Desire to belong

Based on the conditioning (the majority of us went through) in our childhood and teenage years – it’s unsafe to be yourself and to be different, because that will go again the “norm” of the system (we all are part off), which means it gives people an opportunity to point finger at us, laugh and basically “kick us out of the tribe”.

And who wants that?
No one. Hence we learn how to suppress our true being, and put “mask of normal” so that we are another “perfect human”.

Obviously, the are people who realize how unhealthy such a way of existence is and by being courageous (and by working on themselves) they are able to undo this limiting programming and start showing up in our world as who they truly are.

How Focusing on “Opinions Of Others” Impacts Us

Of course, there’s nothing “bad” about respecting somebody’s opinion and checking in with other people, but when your decision making continuously is based around other people opinions and making sure you do what other people “expect you to do” – this is when the trouble starts.

It is just not sustainable longterm and makes our true self even more unheard and unseen.

The things we buy, the way we dress, put our make up on, the job we’re in and basically the way we show up in the world is the way we’re trying to fulfil those basic survival needs of wanting to be understood, be part of the tribe and to have friends & family who “will see & hear us deeply”.

^^ I’ve put the last one in quotes because when we show up for our people in the way we think they want us to be, it still is impossible for our being to be fully seen as we’re wearing just another mask.

We learn to focus on the external fluff so much that
we forget we have our desires.
It’s so out of reach & we don’t believe that it’s possible for us to have it.

So instead of those things giving us the feeling we’re chasing – it actually creates an even bigger gap of unfulfillment.
Because now not only we’re not deeply connected with the humans and the world around us… We also start losing deep connection with ourselves by always being in worry, always supressing and not allowing ourselves to do what WE WANT and most importantly…👇

Because we associated that doing something on your own or for yourself is “bad” we feel it will never become true for us – why even bother and try because we’re not getting it anyway.

We become so good at suppressing our inner self that we just give up on our own desires before they even come up – all because we’re so focused on the external fluff.

How To Stop Worrying About Other People's Opinions

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What happens – we not only don’t do what we really want (because we by worry about other people opinions) but we also create a disconnection from ourselves.

Who can relate to this? 👆🙋

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How To Stop Worrying About Opinions Of Others

First of, understand that we all are humans.

We all have and always will have an opinion about something or someone.

You also have an opinion about somebody, right?

Does it make you a bad person? No.
Does it change other people worlds? It shouldn’t.

Everybody deserves to have an opinion.

When you realize people always will (and already have an opinion about you) feels impossible to please everyone and why you even should?

Second, imagine the worst-case scenario.

(I suggest you watch the video above as I break down the most common fear that a lot of us have, which is “Speaking in front of an audience”).


When you allow yourself to experience (at least in your imagination) the worst-case scenario you’re able to realize it’s not the end of the world and you’re able to handle it.
The more you do this, the more you detach from identifying yourself with the opinions of other people.

Lastly, just drop it.

Yes, I said that – just freaking drop it.
As you can see there are layers and layers of what this worry about other people opinions creates (unhappiness, feeling unseen, rejected, disconnection with yourself and so much more!).

It was when I was SO OVERWHELMED with all the things I should do, which actually didn’t make me happy is when I fully stopped worrying about what about people think of me.
Things like going to work, not speaking my truth, always wearing makeup, not allowing myself to create what I really was passionate about – basically don’t be too much, but just enough to make other people around you comfortable.

I was dying inside and felt if I need to continue living my life like this for the rest of my existence – I’ll have an emotional break down right there & then.

So I did it – I just let it go.
I allowed myself to be seen as who I truly am, I allowed myself to express and do what I want.

The best part?
Not much has changed – people still have an opinion about me (as they had one before), but so much have changed internally for me – I finally feel I am actually living and am present in the moment.

And this is what I wish for every single one of you!!🙌✨

P.s. I still suggest you watch the video – so many golden nuggets there and high vibrational energy 🙂

What’s the thing you always wanted to do?

Travel the world? Start a Youtube channel? Maybe show your creative side?
You have the right to do it!

Want my help with getting over the fear of “what other people will think”?
Apply for True Identity Incubator.

Kristina Day About Me

Hey, Kristina here!

The intention behind Spiritually Selfish is to empower people to focus on themselves, so they can heal, release past conditioning and raise their level of consciousness, so we all can live in a better world.

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Kristina Day About Me

Kristina Day


Guiding you on your spiritual & ascension journey so you can release past limited conditioning, raise your vibration and be a conscious creator.
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