Focus On Yourself.
Is it Selfish To Put Yourself First?
Today, in our society there’s so much fear around the opinion of other people and being afraid to be rejected that somehow it became normal to “people please”.
We’re saying “Yes“ when we actually want to say “No“.
We’re dropping our things and prioritizing other people just so that we don’t upset anyone.
We’re doing so much for others, hoping that this will show that we are enough and we deserve to belong.
It came so far that we either don’t even think that we should take care of ourselves or when we try to do so – we feel guilty, that we should be doing something else or even selfish.
Let’s look into what “selfish” really is and is it something “bad” to focus on yourself?
Now, when you hear the word “Selfish” – what does come up to you?
What sort of emotions? Positive? Negative? Maybe neutral?
Where is it even coming from that putting yourself is something bad?
Think about it…
It doesn’t make any sense to feel bad for putting yourself first.
Most of us have heard from other people:
“Don’t Be Selfish Or You Won’t Have Friends.” “Don’t Be So Selfish” etc.
But what it really means?
Somebody is telling YOU not to care about yourself…what should you do instead?
Focus on THEM?
Emm..excuse me – isn’t that SELFISH?
This whole topic of being “selfish” has created a huge limiting belief in our society, which is creating a lot of unmet expectations, disappointed and unsatisfied humans.
Spiritually Selfish vs. Egoistically Selfish
You see, the majority of people don’t distinguish spiritually or egoistically selfish.
Selfish = focusing on self and not others = not good.
Where in reality when you are Spiritually Selfish and are focusing on yourself from the highest perspective and integrity this is when you’re actually in the highest service to others as well!
How come?
Because when you put yourself first and take care of your being fully – your vibration naturally rises and you are in the happiest state of yours.
Since we all are energetical beings – our energy always affects others (consciously or unconsciously), so of course, it’s better for the collective when people are radiating higher energy frequencies such as love, joy, bliss✨

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You cannot radiate that if you exhaust yourself, constantly worrying about the external and pleasing other people.
Egoistically selfish, on the other hand, is coming literally from your ego – the one that is fearful and always wants more, it always feels that there’s “not enough” and only does something if it can get something out of it.
This is why word “selfish” has a bad rep – the majority of humans have been operating from egoistic selfishness when they put themselves first vs. being spiritually selfish which is operating from the integrity and the best interest for themselves and everyone around them.
Fill Up Your Own Cup First
I suggest you watch the Youtube video above for an example of why it’s important to fill up your own cup first and how that will determine either you’re coming from the mindset of lack or abundance 🙂
In a nutshell, when you’ll be trying to take care of somebody else or please somebody else knowing in the back of your mind that you are leaving yourself behind…think..will you be able to show up in all of your gracefulness and kindness for the other person?
I strongly doubt that.
Most probably you’ll be smiling on the outside (faking it), but hurting on the inside, wishing and thinking when will you be done with doing their stuff and try to find time/opportunity/energy etc. to do your own things.
But if instead you would do your things, fulfill yourself with what YOU want to do first, wouldn’t it be much easier for you to go and help others?
In fact, when we are in the state of bliss or at least happiness – we are more inclined to go out there and support other people without them even asking.
When our own cup is overpouring – it brings us joy to actually help & support our fellow human beings.
So it’s literally a win-win situation when your focus on yourself first and not others.
Don’t Expect Others To Please You
Remember, you’re the only one responsible for your own happiness.
No one can “make you feel” a specific way, so instead of trying to please other people – please yourself first.
It’s because of “people-pleasing” syndrome people think that it’s other people who are supposed to make you happy, so we sit and wait for that perfect moment, but it never comes?
Most people have NO IDEA how to even please and take care of themselves, how on Earth someone would be able to fully & completely meet all of your expectations & needs?
It’s only your’s and your’s responsibility to be your #1, because only YOU knows what is that you exactly need.
So go ahead, stop worrying about other people opinions and the limited perception of our society. go focus on yourself by doing what brings you joy and say “no” to that which doesn’t feel aligned.
Just start focusing within and you’ll find your inner guidance for what you need😙

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Focus On Yourself, As..
Focus on yourself, not just as an “egoist” without thinking about others or respecting others.
Instead – focus on yourself because you know this is when you’re in the highest service to others – emotionally, physically and on energetically level.
Stay in the integrity to yourself and others around you, because the more people practice “focusing on yourself first” the more happy and fulfilled people there will be on our planet.
P.s. I still suggest you watch the video – so many golden nuggets there and high vibrational energy 🙂
What are the ways you focus on yourself?
For me, it’s definitely being very clean on my vision and saying “No” to what is not aligned.
Also, taking some days off social media COMPLETELY.
Let me know in the comments 😊