How To Raise Vibration Of Your
Body, Mind & Soul

Ready to raise your vibration?

But not just to raise your vibration, but be in control of the vibration of your body, mind and soul?

Each of these “bodies” aka physical, mental and emotional body requires a different approach to raise the vibration.
The vibration of each eventually contributes to the vibration of our whole energetical BEING, hence it’s very important to focus on each of these as many people tend to forget one or another and then wonder why they keep attracting something that they do not want.

Remember, this is Part 2 of “How To Raise Your Vibration”, so if you haven’t yet, please watch the first training on “Why You Should Raise Your Vibration” where I go over the Map Of Consciousness from Power Vs. Force by Dr. David Hawkins.

Watch YouTube training on how to raise your vibration👇

At our core, we all are energetic beings.
The bodies that we see are just a physical manifestation of our energy.

If you feel confused about “physical manifestation of the body” as for many manifestation is used only as a “tool” to call in their dreams, money, love, new house etc. then it will be helpful for you to first understand how the natural process of manifestation works.

Manifestation has been made this “magic process” that you use when you need something when in reality it happening always even now as we speak.

When you understand how the process of manifestation really works – it becomes easier to leverage the Law of Attraction and create your life.
I’ve recorded a video for you here.

But in this today’s video we’re learning HOW to raise your vibration because when your energy is vibrating at the higher frequencies, you are attracting, pulling more higher frequencies into your life (and who doesn’t want that 😉).

2 Ways To Raise Your Vibration

There are really only 2 ways of raising your vibration.

1. Letting go

2. Raising your vibration

Here’s what I mean by that.
When you let go of that which doesn’t serve you anymore – your energetical vibration naturally will rise.
It’s like throwing the trash out of your house – you might not have started the “cleaning” yet, but your house is cleaner already, just because you took out the trash that was creating the mess & smell in your home 🙂

Same with you, energetical being.

There’s not much point of trying to raise your vibration with all the “techniques” if there’s still something in your being that is pulling you down.

So first, you “clean” and then you raise your vibration with different activities and you do that on each level of Body, Mind & Soul.

I highly suggest for you to check the video above as it will be easier for you to understand all the examples and raise your vibration at the same time 🙂 ☝️

Energetical Vibration Of Your Body, Mind & Soul

Remember, it’s not just our physical body that needs attention and care, but also our mental body (our mind) & emotional body (our soul).

Physical Body

1. Letting go on a physical plane looks like:
Doing detoxes, Cleanses, Crying, Screaming – anything that will help you to “release” through the physical body.

While scream itself is not “physical” you still use your physical body to do the release and you can have physical releases as well.
For example, in the video, I mention Bio Cleanse Colon Cleanse that I have been doing for the past year and it helped to release me kilograms (not kidding) of mucoid plaque from my gut, which is basically “home” for parasites and creates lower vibration in our gut.

How To Raise Your Vibration

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2. Raise the vibration of your physical body through:
Body movement e.g. working out, dancing (Ecstatic dance is the best), singing etc. Again that which you do via physical body.

 Again, watch the video above for more tips☄️

Mental Body

Working at the mind level requires us to look at our thoughts.

1. Letting go would look like:
Bringing the awareness to your thoughts and what you’re saying, letting go of the fear, overcoming limiting beliefs about self and the world around you.

Talking out loud to yourself, journaling your thoughts – anything that will help you to get your thoughts out and make your mind less busy & stressed.

2. Raise the vibration of your mind by:
Consciously CHOOSING your thoughts.

Yes, you might experience doubt.
Yes, your inner critic might be very loud and tell you 150 stories why you suck..
But if you want to raise the vibration of your mind – you have to stop entertaining those lower vibration thoughts.

Just notice that.
Thank your mind for bringing those to your attention (because it’s just doing its work of keeping you safe), but choose to think higher vibrational thoughts.
What puts a smile on your face?
What is your vision, goals?

Choose to shift your focus from lack to abundance that is always present.

Manifesting Secrets on Spiritually Selfish

When you raise your vibration – manifestation also becomes more efficient & it’s easier to be a conscious creator of your own life.

Emotional Body

Working on our soul level requires us to look at what most people avoid – our feelings.

1. Letting go would look like:
Acceptance & forgiveness.

Accepting where you are today. Accepting your past & your present – making peace with it in order to let go and move into solution.

Forgiving those who hurt you.
Forgiving yourself and letting it go.
Before forgiving something or someone you usually would need to accept it first as well.

2. Raise the vibration of your mind by:
SO MANY THINGS that you can do.

Meditation, gratitude, visualization, feeling & listening to your heart etc.

Anything that will cause you to FEEL good.
The best way & the fastest way to feel better is to connect to the Source.

Abundance is always present, we just build up the walls, and resistance which doesn’t allow high vibrational energy to flow into us.

You can connect to the Source either through meditation, breathwork, doing what brings you joy aka being in the flow.

Anything and everything that will help you to drop resistance that your human ego creates and then only then the Source can pour into you, but you have to allow it first 🙂

Choose Higher Vibration & Frequencies

At the end of the day, guys – you have to remember – you have a choice.
We all have a choice and we are the ones who choose our feelings, thoughts and actions we take.

Often, unfortunately, we’ve been so conditioned by society, media, education etc. that instead of consciously choosing out feeling -it’s our physical world that “makes” us feel a certain way.

And this is when we have to take responsibility and consciously CHOOSE to create our reality by going inward & focusing on self.

I have also given a “bonus” at the end of the video on how to turn around your mind and always have the conscious choice over yourself. You can check it here.

Which of your “bodies” do you feel you’ll focus on first to raise your vibration now?
Physical? Mental? Emotional?

Let me know in the comments here or on Youtube. 😊

Kristina Day About Me

Hey, Kristina here!

The intention behind Spiritually Selfish is to empower people to focus on themselves, so they can heal, release past conditioning and raise their level of consciousness, so we all can live in a better world.

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Kristina Day About Me

Kristina Day


Guiding you on your spiritual & ascension journey so you can release past limited conditioning, raise your vibration and be a conscious creator.
Check out our courses & masterclasses to get start your healing journey.

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